السبت، 20 أبريل 2024

( تنفيذ مشاريع خدمة الميدياوالتعليم الالكتروني والانترنت الفضائي والشحن الذاتي والرقمنة ) 📡 IT | ICT | Electronics | Digitization | 4th IR | Business BCDRMS | Technology Consultant | USA, KSA, CHINA, Globally ®️ Continuity of your businesses and avoiding its risk plus its uniqueness widely is our goal ✅

عندنا محفظة مشاريع جاهزة للتنفيذ والتصنيع والتسويق 


متميزة وغير مسبوقة 👍

تحقق أعلى ربح مع أعلى تميز وتخلق قيمة مضافة متفردة 👍

تقنية ابداع تكنولوجيا الشحن المتقدمة

Reverse Charging Technology Innovation
   ولأول مرة بالمنطقة؟!!! 

هل سمعت عن ؟!👇

سماعات بلوتوث تعمل بدون شاحن كهربي ؟!👇

Charger less

 B.T Headphones !

 للشركات وتجار التجزئة وغيره فنحن متخصصون ولأول مرة بالمنطقة العربية 

ابداع غير مسبوق

تصنيع سماعات الراس الذكية

Headphones & Earbuds & Headsets 

والتي تشحن ذاتيا بدون استخدام الشاحن الكهربي المعروف ولا الشاحن المغناطيسي ؟!

ماتشغلش دماغك ؟ هي سماعتك شحنت ولا ماشحنت ؟

حط سماعتك فى ودانك وانساها فهي تعمل باستمرار اينما كنت ؟!


1- تصميم مميز و أنيق.
2- توفر تقنية الغاء الضوضاء.
3- مقاومة للعرق و الماء.
4- الشحن الذاتي.
5- هاند فرى للرد على الاتصالات التلفونية.
6- عمر البطارية يصل الي 36 ساعات من التشغيل المتواصل.
7- زمن شحن لايتعدى نصف ساعة بدون تدخل منك (تشحن اوتوماتيكيا) .
8- استهلاك طاقة فائق الانخفاض .
9- مسافةالبث اللاسلكي للصوت 30 متر .

وهناك مواصفات كثيرة مبهرة 

(تواصل معنا على مدار الساعة نحن فى خدمتك)

 (نقبل الشراكة بالتمويل لتنفيذ وتصنيع هذا المنتج المتميز والغير مسبوق بالمنطقة)

96878454008+ : WhatsApp 
آخر تحرير بواسطة NETLEEKO; اليوم, 12:28 AM

بفضل الله    

خدمات وتقنيات متفردة

التقنية الأولي👇

📡 الريسيفر الذكي

قنواتك ومحتوى الميديا الخاص بك    

 معك أينما كنت
بعد كدا ماتعطلوش نفسكم وتجلسو كلكم امام شاشة واحدة لمشاهدة قناة واحدة 

 كل واحد براحته 

ريسيفره معاه اينما كان ( وين مايروح ) 

بنحول كمبيوترك الشخصي سواء لابتوب او ديسكتوب الى  ريسيفر وسرفر تعليم الكتروني متقدم 


نظام مجهز للتعليم الالكتروني عن بعد E-Learning Remotely لبث الدروس والمحاضرات من جهازك الشخصي لطلابك من خلال الانترنت أو الشبكة المحلية LAN&WAN وبجودة عالية حتى مع سرعة النت الضعيفة 100KB أينما كنت ?!؟!      

استقبال قنواتك بث مباشر، داخل المنزل أوخارجه ، خلال الشبكة المحلية أو الانترنت Over LAN & WAN .

استقبال قنواتك والارشيف والمحتوى كاملا  على كل الاجهزة المحمولة وغير المحمولة ( كمبيوتر ثابت ، تابلت ، لابتوب ، سمارت فونز سواء اندرويد أو أيفون أو أي نوع  ). خلال الشبكة المحلية أو الانترنت Over LAN & WAN 


التقنية الثانية👇

ولأول مرة بالمنطقة حصريا وغير مسبوق

!!!هل سمعت عن!!!


!!!📡 الريسيفر العجيب المذهل  📡!!!

 كله بجهاز واحد مسطح وصغير الحجم 50 سم طول 30 عرض وسمكه 3 سم 👍

كله بجهاز واحد مسطح  وصغير وأنيق

  مقاوم لكل العوامل الجوية  👍

لا يشترط تثبيته على اسطح المنازل  👍

ممكن تثبيته بأي مكان مفتوح لزاوية القمر 👍

 لا اسلاك ولا دايسك ولا موزع ولا مالتي سويتش 👍

  يوزع عدد 8 ريسيفرعلى شبكة واي فاي الراوتر  
Wi-Fi توزيع 

يوزع داخل المنزل فى نطاق تغطية الواي
 👍 لا يستهلك انترنت نهائيا👍 
Over LAN
توزيع قنوات القمر كاملة لكل شخص ولأي جهاز  👍
 4K جودة صورة فائقة  👍
  كل شخص له ريسيفر مستقل بكل وظائفه 

  تسجيل وبحث وتخزين القنوات مع المشاهدة  

يعمل ومتوافق مع جميع الانظمة و الاجهزة 👍


 الشاشات الذكية Smart TV📺 <
والتابلت Smart Phones كل الموبايلات <
كل اجهزة الكمبيوتر PCs <

تطبيق وبرنامج خاص لكل جهاز أيا كان نوعه 👍


التقنية الثالثة👇

!!!هل سمعت عن!!!


!!!📡 الريسيفر الجوال المبدع  📡!!!

شاهد قنواتك وأنت على الطريق 👍

وبدون انترنت 👍

👍لاتتعجب !!!!👍

👍حتى أثناء الحركة !!!👍
👍كل الركاب معك يشاهدون !!!👍
👍كل واحد لحاله مع ريسيفره الخاص !!!👍
👍نفس المواصفات السابقة !!!👍


التقنية الرابعة👇

!!!📡 النظام الشامل المرن المتعدد  📡!!!


👍👍بنفصل لك نظامك👍👍


👍👍👍 حسب رغبتك وامكانياتك👍👍👍

As you like  

!!!لكل ما تتخيل وفوق ماتتخيل!!!

Beyond your expectation 


👍شاهد القنوات الفضائية وغير الفضائية وكل المحتوى👍
👍توزيع للافراد والحجرات لعدد غير محدود👍
👍 ريسيفر لكل واحد عن بعد من خلال الانترنت👍
👍اختيار الجودة وتوافقها مع سرعة الشبكة👍
👍مشاركة المحتوى كاملا أينما كنت👍

👇القطاعات المستهدفة👇

للأفراد - للجماعات - للتجمعات - للمطارات  - النقل الجماعي - كل المركبات -  المؤسسات الحكومية - المنظمات التعليمية وغيره


 الإبداع نهجنا 

تحقيق رغباتكم هدفنا 


سارع بالحجز و التركيب

لتفاصيل أكثر 👇



=⚽بادر بتركيب أنظمة تشغيل جميع باقات القنوات

الرياضية المحلية والعالمية

  اسعار لاتقبل المنافسة🔭
تعمل على أجهزة الموبايل والشاشات الذكية وكل الأجهزة بثبات وجودة عالية


لمعرفة تفاصيل الأسعار للجملة 

مطلوب للعمل والشراكة

👇مطلوب عاجلا وبشكل جدي

© لدول الخليج ©

 شركاء لمشاريع بالمجالات المذكورة ©



 مصممي جرافيك©

  مؤهلين ومحترفين

ارسال السيرة الذاتية على





السبت، 9 نوفمبر 2019

The innovation importance?

     MEDIA SERVER PROJECT                                STORY
At the end of the story, you can book an appointment to try this system remotely by using a mobile or tablet or any device connected to the Internet.
I suggested a practical alternative instead of a series of episodes that learn how to design "MEDIA SERVER" ........................................

 I have created a harder alternative? ..........................


Installing Media Server for anyone remotely

               📡 📡 📡 📡                  

📡 And for a very small fee, I want everyone to send me an e-mail with their opinion toward this alternative....................................... 
@ Everyone who owns a computer and installed Windows 8 or 10, and the satellite card, send me the type of card and model, to verify its compatibility with the requirements of the system, and if it is not compatible? It is possible to give him a link to buy the compatible type from Amazon. E-mail me your opinion is very important.

 Our principle is? 
Learn to give and give to learn.

         Why this project?

       Necessity is the mother of  invention

1st Source: 
A case study of the ICT sales market observed that there was a significant recession in the PC sales market, whether laptops or desktops.

The main reason for the recession : 
The highly increasing rate of market share and supply, demand for sales of smart mobile devices of various types.

In this regard, it was necessary to think about finding and innovating technical solutions, leading us to increase the value add of computers and reduce the gap, to revive and refresh the sales market of these devices and raise the volume of demand for them. 

2nd Source:
As known, customer needs are the main factor that controls the degree of supply and demand on the one hand and product development, and innovation on the other hand. If needs, are constant, will we need innovation and development?

Let us mention the example until the article is clear?
For example, it was a story through the journey of needs, while traveling and relocating from here to there, both long distances and near.
Once I badly needed audio files, and again video, and text files, as well as marketing presentations and other software that help me in my work and to demonstrate my projects to stakeholders.
All that content was saved on the computer that I left in my office or at home.
Honestly?  Themes of the desktop & Icons on Windows 10 are stuck in my mind, and when I see it reminds me of the places of folders and programs and everything I need, other than to copy and browse them on a tablet or mobile?

Now, I came up with technical solutions that enabled me to gain access to my computer remotely, whether through another computer or via mobile devices, I was very surprised and fascinated by it?

 My needs evolved
In other circumstances, I needed something necessary.
It is to watch a particular event that is broadcast on a certain satellite channel, where I was invited to attend this event and I could not attend, this problem repeated with other events, which cannot be postponed, and has become accustomed to the participation of events and follow-up on the real-time and live. Where I know the importance of real-time watching.

The events in all most, lose their value after real-time and often leads to incorrect decisions and unforeseen disasters. This is well known to businessmen, politicians, and others, where the importance of time lag seems very dangerous.
The previous problem leads me to try so hard to find a solution for it. 

I thought that I could watch the live broadcast of channels through the Internet by using a mobile or tablet. However, the attempt failed, because these channels were mostly not available online and sometimes blocked and other times it has an overload of subscribers?  Sometimes are private channels for business, and scientific purposes and certain packages are encrypted, to protect intellectual property rights.

In fact, I like, prefer to watch most events and share them with my family and sometimes with my company staff.
Mostly, l prefer to be accompanied by the receiver that I owned with its appearance and content that I like as it is.

Again, my needs evolved

Again, I found myself urgently interested to watch live channels on another satellite, unavailable in my area. 
I have thought deeply and thoughtfully about finding any technical solution to share my satellite with my friend, where this satellite is unavailable to him and vice versa.

          The solution done

           Now, you can dome            
           Satellite  Sharing           
                    Or say.                    
           Satellites Exchange          
                            Share me your  sat> <Share you my sat                 

Now, I appreciated the value of innovation, creativity, continuous and development that enabled us to share our available resources or say?  Exchange ideas and cultures without borders. 

Do you think, I was able to play the role of the client brilliantly in addition, simulate his needs?

Is this innovation will meet the market needs, and be acceptable?

Mandatory, we have to ask ourselves, several very important questions.
1 - Is their value-added will achieve from the development and innovation of the targeted product?
2 - Are these solutions added will increase the degree of customer’s need and attraction for the product, as planned? 
3 - Will it effectively meet the client's needs and save his time, effort, and money, as a main goal and requirement that can’t be ignored? 
4 - Will it actually help to increase the market share of the product, as well as supply and demand? 
5 - Will these technical solutions, locally and globally make a difference in creating a value add for the company and raising its competitive position?

To download the project file:

“Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these”

The innovation important? 

Please? I appreciate your opinion and evaluation After using all products. 
Is there a value-added of innovation, creativity, continuous and development, that enabled us to share our available resources, or say?  Exchange ideas and cultures without borders.

 To know more contact us:
 WhatsApp: +96878454008
             او ارسل ايميل 

الخميس، 31 أكتوبر 2019

Always be with live channels!

“Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these”



Exclusivity with Innovation

Performance Beyond Imagination
 Extremely difficult choice؟!

Smallest & Powerful
No competitors with the best design & performance
Extremely Small I
Smaller & more powerful compared to normal dish antenna!
Big conventional dish takes a lot of space
Small SNIPE performs equivalent to 60cm big dish antenna. Better performance in smaller size
To know more contact us:
 WhatsApp: +96878454008

             او ارسل ايميل           

الثلاثاء، 29 أكتوبر 2019

In-Motion Satellite Antenna


“Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these”


 RoadTrip In-Motion                                         Satellite Antenna                                          INNOVATION
The RoadTrip T4 is both smaller and quieter than previous Winegard in-motion satellite antennas.
This sleek, compact unit is ultra lightweight, with the smallest footprint, and requires minimal roof space. New motors and updated tracking algorithms reduce noise levels and improve tracking .

100% Automatic – Fully automatic roof mounted antenna that finds satellite orbital locations making it easy to watch your favorite TV shows away from home.
Watch TV Anywhere – Watch LIVE programming while traveling down the road.
The RoadTrip T4 in-motion satellite antenna delivers DISH, DIRECTV, and BellTV programming.
Simple Setup and Operation – Simple one button on/off operation. 
The Roadtrip T4 quickly locks on to satellites anywhere in the U.S. for reliable signal, giving you unlimited TV viewing with no data overages or buffering!
Updated Design – Updated design reduces noise and improves tracking to give you the ultimate TV viewing experience on the road.
Sleek and Compact Design – The smallest in-motion antenna. The RoadTrip T4 equires minimal roof space and no storage space.
Acquisition Type: Automatic
Maximum Receiver Capability: 2
Viewing Capability:
1 at a time (automatic)
Tracking Type:
Reception Types:
110° (SD/HD) 119° (SD/HD) 129° (SD/HD)
DIRECTV: 101° (SD) 119° (SD)
Bell TV: 82° (SD/HD) 91° (SD/HD)
GPS Enabled
Elevation Range: 18-65°
Azimuth Range: 0-416°
UV-protected plastic dome
Bell TV 

To know more contact us:
 WhatsApp: +96878454008

             او ارسل ايميل 

الاثنين، 28 أكتوبر 2019


“Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these”


Virtual reality applications:
Are applications that make use of (VR). VR is an immersive sensory experience that digitally simulates a remote environment.
Applications have been developed in a variety of domains, such as education, architectural and urban design, digital marketing and activism, engineering and robotics, entertainment, fine arts, healthcare and clinical therapies, heritage and archaeology, occupational safety, social science and psychology.
      Cinema Virtual Reality 

Have you ever thought about the realistic&shocking audio-visual experiences in virtual reality cinema? 
Sometimes you feel the fall, sometimes bumpy or narrowly missed the flying meteorites, sometimes feel the stimulation of the roller coaster.
  • perhaps, it can make you have close encounters with roles in the game.VR movie theater takes you to the critical point of virtual and reality, leading you to enter into distinct different VR world.
 ! Make the audience to have the most powerful realism sense from the auditory, visual, tactile, as exposure to the movies, through environmental simulation to have wind, air jet, leg touch, back poke, vibration environmental effects, so that to can enjoy the experience to fall, vibration, wind, leg sweep and other new real feeling, immersive and fun. 
Most Popular 9D Virtual Reality Chair in the market ! Your First Choice !

To know more contact us:
 WhatsApp: +96878454008

             او ارسل ايميل 

 I'm is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com.

الخميس، 26 سبتمبر 2019

A New Era Of Digital Home Satellite Receiver Innovation

“Some links may be affiliate links. We may get paid if you buy something or take an action after clicking one of these”




VB over IP & VOD Live Streaming

A new technology enable you stream home TV programs to your devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Mac book or PC/laptop)

Features & Specifications:-
 Stream TV wirelessly to iPhone, android and iPad
●     Imagine you can watch your home TV program on your iPhone in a cafe or hotel lobby far from home.  streams Live-TV via your home router to your iPhone, android and iPad wherever you are.
●     Watching TV on your mobile device works in your home network (Wi-Fi) as well as over the Internet (Wi-Fi hotspot and 3G).
 Stream TV wirelessly to your Mac or Windows PC
     Watch live TV on your Mac, anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection, using the Mac Safari web browser. If you have a PC, you can use the included TVCenter 6 to watch live TV wirelessly, plus pause, rewind and schedule TV recordings.
 Stream live cam video to iPhone, android and iPad
●     Connect an analog camera and stream live video and audio from your home to your iPhone, android and iPad.
To know more contact us:
 WhatsApp: +96878454008
             او ارسل ايميل 

( تنفيذ مشاريع خدمة الميدياوالتعليم الالكتروني والانترنت الفضائي والشحن الذاتي والرقمنة ) 📡 IT | ICT | Electronics | Digitization | 4th IR | Business BCDRMS | Technology Consultant | USA, KSA, CHINA, Globally ®️ Continuity of your businesses and avoiding its risk plus its uniqueness widely is our goal ✅

عندنا محفظة مشاريع جاهزة للتنفيذ والتصنيع والتسويق  👍 متميزة وغير مسبوقة 👍 تحقق أعلى ربح مع أعلى تميز وتخلق قيمة مضافة متفردة  👍 ======...